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Large International Airport

Project goal

To increase retail revenue in a large international airport by generating ideas to increase sales. This was part of my week-long work experience at Capgemini.

What I did

– Led a team of three to work together to understand the ask, produce the artefacts and work under the design thinking methodology

– Desk research/User interviews with employees (Head of retail and online commerce) and customers (Teenager and Mother)

– Empathy maps

– Personas with goals needs and frustrations

– AS IS/TO BE User Journeys to support ideation for solution

– Ideation to generate ideas and a solution

– Mobile app features (solution) addressing problems statement and research insights 

– Presentation deck of the above into a narrative – pitching our idea to the client


Pitching our idea (AirBuddy mobile app) to the client to increase retail revenue in a large international airport. Receiving positive feedback.

The detail

User research

My research goal was to produce knowledge about people who will purchase items in the airport understanding them to help make their journey easier. Leading to an increase in retail revenue. Did this by interviewing two employees the head of retail and online commerce and two types of customers a travelling teenager and a mother.

Empathising with users

Capturing my target users’ overall sentiment and thinking help me connect with them and create the foundations for a more detailed capture of needs, goals and frustrations – the personas.


Personas summarise the goals, needs, and frustrations of my target users, which in this case are employees and customers, allowing us to better understand them when developing a solution to increase revenue at this large international airport. 

Journey maps

Drawing my target users’ journey AS IS before app installation and then the transition TO BE after purchasing the app this then helps me identify key Pain Points and opportunities that the app can come into play and increase retail revenue. Drawing my target users’ journey AS IS prior to app installation and then the transition TO BE after purchasing the app allows me to identify key pain points and opportunities where the app can come into play to increase retail revenue.  


Ideating solutions to increase retail revenue by brainstorming ideas with the team. We decided to suggest a mobile app detailed in the next section below.

Mobile app

Offering an interactive mobile app during check-in for an easier shopping experience with promotions and exclusive services will increase shopping at the airport. 

Rationale for AirBuddy success

Desktop research to support why AirBuddy would be a good solution helping increase retail revenue.